Work Experience

2019 - present

Microsoft Software engineer in the Edge OS IoT Data & Intelligence team. Working on evaluating the health of on-prem Linux-based products through telemetry and testing. I implement telemetry on Linux devices with C++, then process and report the incoming data using Azure data technologies such as U-SQL, SQL, Kusto and Power BI.


Microsoft Software engineering intern in the Windows IoT Core Data & Intelligence team. Worked on development of sample UWP apps and telemetry pipelines for Windows IoT Core devices.


Microsoft Explorer intern in the Windows IoT Core quality team inside the Windows and Devices Group. Worked on development of sample UWP apps for Windows 10 IoT Core.


2015 - 2019

Studied Ingeniería en Tecnologías Computacionales
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) Campus Santa Fe
Graduated with highest honors and top of the class of May 2019.

Skills & Certifications


Spanish: native language

English: fluent
TOEFL ITP Score: 663/677 (2015)
Cambridge First Certificate in English: Grade A (2012)

Programming Languages & Technologies

Currently using:

Python 3 years
C++ 2 years
SQL 2 years
U-SQL 1 year
Kusto Query Language 6 months

Previous experience with:

Java 2 years
C 1 year
JavaScript 1 year
HTML & CSS 1 year
C# 6 months
PIC Assembly 6 months
MIPS32 Assembly 3 months

Other Activities and Experience

2015 - present

FIRST Robotics - Volunteer in regional events as Robot Inspector, Referee and FIRST Technical Advisor Assistant.

2012 - 2014

Participation in FIRST Robotics Challenge (FRC) Team 3933
Programming, electronics and robot driver (Using Java and National Instruments CompactRIO)